
Wonderful life,
It all depends on this
box of fresh air!

OMC Frozen Cooked And
Ready To Eat Series

Frozen cooking series for cooked seafood, using fresh wild raw materials,
after cleaning, selection, cooking, frozen from;
Maximum retention of nutrients and delicious taste.

Do not wash - this product after natural slow or slow with warm water,
direct consumption.
OMC frozen cooked and ready to eat products
The product name The picture Product specification Place of origin Shelf life Storage
King Crab 1600g-1800g/pcs The yellow sea 12 months Frozen-18℃
Frozen Cooked Boston Lobster 2500g above/pcs The yellow sea 12 months Frozen-18℃
Frozen Cooked Boston Lobster 2000g-2500g/pcs The yellow sea 12 months Frozen-18℃
Frozen Cooked Boston Lobster 1750g-2000g/pcs The yellow sea 12 months Frozen-18℃
Frozen Cooked Boston Lobster 1500g-1750g/pcs The yellow sea 12 months Frozen-18℃
Frozen Cooked Boston Lobster 1300g-1500g/pcs The yellow sea 12 months Frozen-18℃
Frozen Cooked Boston Lobster 1100g-1300g/pcs The yellow sea 12 months Frozen-18℃
Frozen Cooked Boston Lobster 900g-1100g/pcs The yellow sea 12 months Frozen-18℃
Frozen Cooked Boston Lobster 700g-900g/pcs The yellow sea 12 months Frozen-18℃
Frozen Cooked Boston Lobster 500g-700g/pcs The yellow sea 12 months Frozen-18℃
Frozen Cooked Top Red Cream Swimming Crab 200g-300g/pcs The yellow sea 12 months Frozen-18℃
Frozen Cooked Bread Crab 800g-1000g/pcs The yellow sea 24 months Frozen-18℃
Frozen Cooked Swimming Crab (Male) 200g-300g/pcs The yellow sea 12 months Frozen-18℃
Frozen Cooked Swimming Crab (Male) 300g-400g/pcs The yellow sea 12 months Frozen-18℃
Frozen Cooked Swimming Crab (Mother) 200g-300g/pcs The yellow sea 12 months Frozen-18℃
Frozen Cooked Swimming Crab (Mother) 300g/ above The yellow sea 12 months Frozen-18℃
Frozen Cooked Yellow Sea Shrimp 8pcs/bag The yellow sea 12 months Frozen-18℃
Frozen Cooked Yellow Sea Shrimp 10pcs/bag The yellow sea 12 months Frozen-18℃
Frozen Cooked Yellow Sea Shrimp 16pcs/bag The yellow sea 12 months Frozen-18℃
Frozen Cooked Mantis Shrimp(Mother) 500g/bag The yellow sea 12 months Frozen-18℃
Ready-To-Eat Trepang 90g-100g/pcs The yellow sea 18 months Frozen-18℃
Ready-To-Eat Trepang 80g-90g/pcs The yellow sea 18 months Frozen-18℃
Ready-To-Eat Trepang 70g-80g/pcs The yellow sea 18 months Frozen-18℃
Ready-To-Eat Trepang 60g-70g/pcs The yellow sea 18 months Frozen-18℃
Ready-To-Eat Trepang 50g-60g/pcs The yellow sea 18 months Frozen-18℃
Ready-To-Eat Trepang 40g-50g/pcs The yellow sea 18 months Frozen-18℃
Ready-To-Eat Trepang 40g following/pcs The yellow sea 18 months Frozen-18℃
Frozen Cooked Green Willow Clam (With Shell)(Jumbo) 500g/bag The yellow sea 18 months Frozen-18℃
Frozen Cooked Green Willow Clam (With Shell)(Big) 500g/bag The yellow sea 18 months Frozen-18℃
Frozen Cooked Green Willow Clam (With Shell)(Middle) 500g/bag The yellow sea 18 months Frozen-18℃
Frozen Cooked Green Willow Clam (With Shell)(Big) 400g/bag The yellow sea 18 months Frozen-18℃
Frozen Cooked Green Willow Clam (With Shell)(Middle) 400g/bag The yellow sea 18 months Frozen-18℃
Frozen Cooked Clams(With Shell) 11-20grain 500g/bag The yellow sea 24 months Frozen-18℃
Frozen Cooked Clams(With Shell) 21-30grain 500g/bag The yellow sea 24 months Frozen-18℃
Frozen Cooked Clams(With Shell) 31-40grain 500g/bag The yellow sea 24 months Frozen-18℃
Frozen Cooked Hard Shell Clam 400g/bag The yellow sea 18 months Frozen-18℃
Frozen Cooked Sinonovacula Constricta 250g/bag The yellow sea 18 months Frozen-18℃
Frozen Boiled Venison 400g/bag The yellow sea 18 months Frozen-18℃
Frozen Boiled Hen Clam Meat 500g/bag The yellow sea 18 months Frozen-18℃
Frozen Boiled Hen Clam Meat 200g/bag The yellow sea 18 months Frozen-18℃
Frozen Boiled Hen Clam Meat 200g/bag The yellow sea 18 months Frozen-18℃
Delicious Sea Cone 200g/bag The yellow sea 12 months Frozen-18℃
Sauce whelk 500g/bag The yellow sea 24 months Frozen-18℃
Crab treasure 50g/pcs The yellow sea 24 months Frozen-18℃

天气| 龙口市| 青州市| 仁布县| 富顺县| 泸西县| 白玉县| 浦江县| 乳源| 天津市| 马关县| 大悟县| 饶阳县| 通渭县| 木兰县| 新绛县| 巫山县| 定州市| 榆树市| 通渭县| 河东区| 开封市| 富蕴县| 三门县| 上虞市| 长春市| 饶平县| 高雄县| 海晏县| 延长县| 南部县| 普宁市| 嵊泗县| 新疆| 隆子县| 改则县| 南汇区| 张家川| 石首市| 都江堰市| 晋城|